Friday, February 19, 2010

Foto Friday.

Sadly, that ring is not on my finger. =/

If I can't marry Chester, I say I should marry Ian. What do you guys think?

It's posts like these that keep me reading Mike's blog. <3

She is pretty when she isn't being all egotistical.

Yet another one of those 'this is why I love Mike's blog' pictures. =)

I laugh almost every time I see this photo because of Eric in the back... :D

I wanna marry him too! Why can't I just have more than one husband? It'll be like Big Love, only sexier!


Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Don't Try and Follow Me.

Don't worry guys, I'm alive. If anyone's actually reading this. Sometimes I wonder. If they aren't, whatever. But, if you are just post a comment or something. I would appreciate it.
I'm sick and avoiding stress. Well, as much as I can without living with my head in the sand. It's a little tricky, but I'm actually succeeding. I'm fighting anger, fear, doubt, regret and love. All of that and keeping my head above water. Let me tell ya, it takes some skill. But, I've let some of those things happen at least once in the past few weeks of 2010. The stress of the newspaper went to my head, which is also known as crazy writer mode. Well, I'm always a crazy writer, but this is crazy journalist mode. She just won't go away and it reminds of the part of my life she broke. The part of me she took away. There is nothing I can say to her, or to fix it. I've let him take my heart again, say I'm done, know I never will be and remember a piece of me has always loved him.

...I am just a worthless liar... I am just an imbecile... I will only complicate you... Trust in me and fall as well.