Sunday, August 9, 2009

The Times They Are A Changin.

I'm in Memphis until tomorrow afternoon and have had a really good time. I've never been, but it's a lot of fun. We went to Graceland where the King of Rock & Roll drew his last breath, Sun Studios where Johnny Cash had the side door in the alley slammed in his face, and in this very hotel room I got some news that will change my life. And not in a positive way. The shock still hasn't gone away. I don't think it will anytime soon. I'm having one of those Juno moments where I just wanna say that I need to know if two people can be together forever. I've never really seen that with my own eyes. I hoped and prayed that I would, but I guess not. I've watched this too many times, I don't want to again. But, I have to. I will remember this in the future. I'm not young like I was last time, I'm a part of this. I'm here for support, I guess. I'm losing and gaining a lot here. I'm gonna miss what I'm losing. Especially because I know that lost thing cares about me. It wants me to be taken care of. I miss that. I miss that so much. I'm regaining a lot of what has been lost. Knowing someone's relying on me, compassion, someone to catch me when I fall and having someone to catch. It's been awhile. Oh boy, has it been awhile.

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